Friday, December 2, 2011

Special Announcement!

Howdy Friends! Everybody's buddy, Oddcube, here with an announcement of epic epidemic proportions!

I've been kicking this around for a few days now, trying to come up with the best way to say it, and I still haven't figured it out. So I'm just gonna say it straight out:

Odd Reviews by Oddcube has lost its sponsorship.

Odd Reviews by Oddcube was concieved by the then-editor of Abandoned Towers Magazine. TBH, your buddy Oddcube was more than a little reluctant to accept the monthly deadline of an ongoing review column. I nearly turned it down all together. What really hooked me was the proposed title "Odd Reviews by Oddcube", it was SO good, I just HAD to do it!

However, Abandoned Towers Magazine, or more appropriately, the parent company, Cyberwizard Productions, has fallen on hard times. Due to circumstances beyond control, CWP was forced to sell off Abandoned Towers Magazine in August. However, Cyberwizard Productions tried valiantly to maintain the monthly serialized stories and a couple of other features, including my Odd Reviews.

Unfortunately, finances and other factors refuse to co-operate, and Cyberwizard Productions has likewise been forced to drop all of these features and concentrate solely on their book publishing. Any and all rights to the Odd Reviews solely belong to me, Oddcube, and I have inherited the Odd Review blog, which is now solely my responsibility to do with as I wish.

I can only assume similar arrangements have been made with the contributors of the serials. Most of them have shut down, but three seem to be continuing on their own, at least for the present. These three are Clockwork, Tales of Coromoor, and The Adventures of Bradley Brackett. They are all good, and you should check them out, if you haven't all ready! I hope these creators are able to continue with their stories.

Now what this comes down to is: I don't know whether or not to continue with the Odd Reviews. The truth is, I was reluctant to start them, and they are kind of a pain to come up with each month. On the other hand, I'm kinda proud that I have kept them going for 3 FULL YEARS! That's a grand total of 36 Odd Reviews, and 24 Oddio Reviews, and during my entire run I've only missed one month, and that's because I was moving into my new Sanctum Sanctorium. That's pretty good, especially for me, and I sorta hate to bring it to a halt. Plus I do have a small but loyal following. On the other other hand, I've got plenty of other projects that I could be working on instead. I have got all sorts of things I want to load on my other blog the problem is that vanity projects have to take a back seat to the ones that might actually bring in some money. And yet on some other, other hand there are a LOT of things I haven't gotten to do a Review of yet: Spaced Invaders, the Rubik's cube, Captain Carrot and His Amazing Zoo Crew, Sherlock Holmses' War of the Worlds, Fireball Island...

So I put it to you, my loyal fans: Should I strive to keep the Odd Reviews going? Keep in mind, if they continue, they will revert to a bi-monthly, or perhaps even quarterly schedule. Please leave your comments below.

I am grateful and thankful to have been associated with some great people who do some really fine work. First, there's good ol' Crystalwizard over at Cyberwizard Productions who came up with the idea for the Odd Reviews. Don't be an ignorant twit, buy a book! They help ya look smart! You don't even have to read it, just carry it around! They're useful, too! You can use it to prop up that wobbly table leg! Thanks CW, for the opportunity and the experience! I'm just sorry it wasn't a more profitable undertaking for ya!

Then, there's Paul over at the Beam Me Up blog and podcast, sponsored by WRFR in Maine! In a special arrangement with Abandoned Towers, he aired many an Oddio Review over the actual airwaves, providing audio oddness to his unsuspecting audience (all of whom were appropriately amused, of course)! Thanks a lot Paul! You have a great show and I'm proud to have been a (small) part of it!

And then, of course, there's YOU, my multitude of fanatical fans, loyal listeners, and reliable readers! You fine folks have tuned in month after month from all around the globe to gawk and gander at my readable ramblings! So thanks for tuning in! Let's face it, a review--even one of mine--is no good unless there's someone around to read it, which makes you just as indispensible as I am! Maybe even more so!

That's why I think you deserve a say in what's going on around here! So if you have an opinion on the fate of the Odd Reviews, let it be known! Leave a comment down below! We'll see how it stands at the end of the month and (hopefully) have another announcement to make at the beginning of the year! Well, I guess there WILL be announcement one way or the other. So be there or be square!

In the meantime, you can read my latest (and perhaps last) Odd Review here!

-----Everybody's Buddy, Oddcube

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